Weekend in Photos

So I’ve been sucking as a blogger lately. On the flip side, that probably means I’ve been succeeding as a productive employee 😉

I’ve got an extremely busy workweek ahead of me, but I wanted to pop in and say hello, yes I’m alive, and here are some pictures from my weekend to prove it! Continue reading

Weekend in Photos

Hellooooo March weather and Spring time!

I know everyone hates springing forward because of the hour of sleep lost (the sleep lover in me can definitely hear that!), however it is arguably my favorite weekend of the year because I love having longer days! Don’t have to lug my bike light to work anymore or walk home in the dark– yippee!

I might (key word: MIGHT) miss my pre-sunrise 6:30am runs though once it starts to get lighter earlier again. Those were kind of nice 😉 …..NAH who am I kidding?!

Anyway, let’s jump into it!


Friday was a weird day at work- half of the office was out, we went to a weird free breakfast event so I skipped lunch, and the day just seemed to drag. So the end of the day selfie was a given 😛 I came home to my new Fabletics outfit in the mail and IMMEDIATELY tried it on – will definitely be sharing more about what I bought soon!

I then cozied up with a plate of crackers and cheese (I also had a bowl of roasted veggies) and painted my nails while watching a classic: THE PRINCESS DIARIES. Oh, a green face mask may have also made an appearance. Yep, I’m 12 years old at heart. Did anyone else have a fat crush on Erik Von Detten as a preteen??


A chill evening in created ideal conditions for my Saturday morning run. My internal clock was still on weekday time and I woke up at 7am 😦 after lying in bed as long as I could, I got ready and was out by 9am for my run! As you can tell by the sweat, it was a HOT day. It ended up being in the mid-70’s later on and I was definitely feelin it!

It was a good one- 11.5 miles at race pace. I was actually averaging a bit slower than I wanted from miles 3-6ish, but I picked it up for the last couple of miles and averaged a whopping 8:30 for mile 11- then I spotted my friend Danielle and pretty much sprinted my last half mile (8:19 min/mi) with her boyfriend Noel 😛

This week is tapering week, so that was my last long training run! Cannot believe race time is almost here! It’s forecast to be 80 degrees on Sunday- good thing our wave starts early.


Afterward, I walked to the Farmer’s Market to get my favorite salsa and flowers (I love daisies!) and of course a dirty chai 🙂
Then, I convinced my mom to come along for an impromptu Macy’s trip. Great/terrible decision… I love shopping with my mom, but she is a bad influence! She talked me into getting a couple of dresses. Luckily we had coupons 😉 However, I went with the intention of replenishing my BareMinerals moisturizer and left with everything you see above, including BB cream, which I apparently use now….

I don’t have any pictures from Saturday evening, but it involved one final Sacramento Beer Week event (Yummy Dogfish Head beers at BarWest), followed by a quick game of pool (props to Chris for knocking in the 8 ball 10 minutes into our game!), and an epic Beatles listening sesh. I instituted a 10pm curfew for the weeks leading up to my race, so I was home and in bed by 11!


On Sunday morning, I woke up at 8am (meaning 7am…merrrr) to make a full farmers market trip with Yvette. It was actually kind of crazy how much cheaper some of the vendors are at the big Sunday Farmer’s Market! I might have to switch up my routine! We stopped at Yvette’s parents house afterward and got treated to breakfast (and lots of fun stories) by her mom.


The weekend ended with our dodgeball championship game, which came down to the wire- we started off down 1-3 and pulled off a 4-3 comeback victory! (Editor’s note: we did come back to make the score 4-3, but we actually ended up winning 5-4 in an overtime victory. Ahem, thanks for the correction ALEX GRAVES) I have such a great time playing on Sundays because my team is made up of some of my closest dodgeball friends — many of whom I’ve been playing with for well over a year! It helps that Sundays are a little less competitive than the Thursday A league, and we use a smaller, lighter ball as well 🙂 Check out the play by play on the Xoso website here!

I’m now ready to take it easy this week- both with half marathon training and my social life- to prepare for Sunday’s race. Tyler is coming up on Friday night and we (+ Chris) start running at 8am sharp on Sunday morning!

Have a great week!

Do you have a favorite farmer’s market?

Any pre-half marathon race week tips?

Rainy Weekend in Photos

Hello everyone- this post is coming to you from a miraculously damp Northern California! I’m no rain lover, but we’ve been having he worst drought in years in California so 3 days of rain this weekend was a welcome change!


The weekend started with a rainy walk home from work on Friday evening. You know it’s been a long week at work when everyone in the office stands up together and leaves at 5:30 on the dot on Friday night! That’s totally what happened this week, and I was more than happy to get a breather!

I spent Friday evening at my parents house doing laundry and watching the Olympic Opening Ceremonies… Yes, I am that cool 😛


I woke up extremely refreshed on Saturday morning but I was really conflicted about whether I should run. It was only drizzling when I woke up, but it had been raining for 24 hours and there were 20 mph winds expected. I hadn’t increased my mileage in 2 weeks and I am likely skipping my long run next week, so I knew I had to do it…

I am SO glad I did. There was only a slight drizzle for the first 6 miles and my pace was SUPER fast. I chalk that up to a nice sober nights sleep 😉 At the end of mile 6, it started POURING. The front of my shirt was soaking wet so I flipped it around… And the other side soaked through even quicker! I probably looked like a crazy person out there!

I was only going to run 10.5 miles, but my route ended about a half mile from my apt and I didn’t want to have to walk home drenched in the rain so I went 11 miles all the way home. It was INCREDIBLE! I averaged 9:15 min/mi, and that was including a couple of stops at crosswalks (my phone screen and gloves were too wet for me to pause my GPS on my phone!)…Suddenly that goal of a 2 hour half marathon time is sounding realistic!


As I often do on Saturdays, I spent the rest of my day replacing calories however I could. Epic omelette for lunch and tilapia for dinner? Yes please! I also finally found a deal on Quest bars and nommed on one for even.more.protein 🙂 Delish! The rainy day and my long run also made for a perfect excuse to lie in bed and watch Amelie ❤ A classic!


Saturday night involved Olympics watching and Cards Against Humanity playing. Perfection!


Sunday morning errands… Freeport Bakery, a stop at Yvette’s cafe for a dirty chai, a Target trip (where I spent $80 on valentines goodies and workout clothes… TOTALLY not budget friendly!), and a drive out to Winters


We ended up in Winters for Yvette’s family shindig… Her cousin and aunt organized a blind wine tasting, complete with cheese boards AND homemade Filipino food! It was super sweet to be included! And of course the Olympics were on the tv as we nommed… This is going to be par for the course for the next couple weeks for me 😉


After food, cheese & wine, Yvette & I jammed back to Sacramento to make it back in time for dodgeball theme night. We decided on pajamas and some of us recycled the onesies from last weekend’s pub crawl…I opted to play in my favorite slippers and Yvette’s awesome fuzzy bear hat. Unfortunately we looked better than we played, and lost for the first time in 2 seasons! Womp womp.

Being busy at my new job has created an interesting challenge for me to actually plan my blog posts ahead of time since I can’t really work on them too much at the office. I did pretty well with a full 3 posts last week! The fact that I even got this post up before dark is pretty impressive. I really do love writing for pleasure and connecting with people this way, so hopefully I can keep up my schedule 🙂

Have a great week!

Do you ever run in the rain?

What has your favorite Olympic event been so far?

Weekend in Photos

Hello and happy Monday! My last weekend of “funemployment” is in the books, and it’s back to work for me on Wednesday!

I’m excited to start a new chapter in my professional life. On my birthday this year, I reflected on what I called my quarter life crisis, and about how I’ve decided to start putting myself first and cultivating my own happiness. I didn’t know then that I would be losing my job just a month later. Instead of wallowing in self pity, I saw it as a blessing in disguise, and an opportunity to finally shift my career focus to what I have always wanted to do. Compound this with the fact that I’m running further and faster than ever, and have a great group of friends (& blends!)…I am just one happy panda right now!

Alright, enough of that mushy stuff. Here’s what I did this weekend:

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I had a few dollars left in my grocery budget (and a coupon for Ménage à Trois that was about to expire!) so I did some grocery shopping on Friday night. Yes, I am that cool. I redeemed myself by heading over to my trusty Alley Katz (closest bar to my apt) to watch the Kings beat the Magic, drink some strong ass IPA’s and play pool. #SuccessfulFridayNightAfterAll

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Not too many IPAs, though, because we had a long run to conquer in the morning! I was really excited that my friend Chris agreed to join me for my long run this week. He was a trooper and said he’d go as far as I wanted – I was aiming for 8.5, and we ended up going 8.7! It was a welcome change to have a running partner, and definitely made it feel like it went by faster. Plus he picked up my pace at the end- check out our splits for those last couple of miles!

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After a Farmer’s Market trip and some sober NFL playoff watching, I roasted up a bunch of veggies for dinner and cozied up for a night in with a classic movie- The Princess Bride! #inconceivable!

photo 2

Then it was up bright and early Sunday morning for some brunch and football! We hadn’t had a bottomless mimosa brunch since well before Christmas, so we were long overdue. Kupros definitely didn’t disappoint- look at those glasses! And the Niners won! Pretending to care about football is fun when the local team is kicking ass and champagne is involved 😉

photo 5

I came home to another dead goldfish… oops. #anotheronebitesthedust

Then it was off to game 1 of our new Sunday dodgeball season! And anyone who knows me knows it’s not a complete dodgeball outfit without funky socks 😉

That’s all for now, folks! Hope you all have a great week 🙂

Do you prefer to run alone or with a partner?

What’s your favorite weekend night in routine?

Weekend in Photos

Hello and happy Monday! Um, how crazy is it that Christmas is just over a week away? Anyone else lightweight freaking out right now? Luckily, I find baking to be stress relieving, because I have a lot of it to do over the next 7 days 😉

photo 1

Now…on to the weekend recap! On Friday afternoon, my brother Andrew picked me up and we headed to our parents house for yet another holiday party. My mom has done a great job this month, hosting Thanksgiving, my dad’s birthday party, and this time was her faculty holiday party. My mom teaches at my high school, so I had a fun time catching up with some of my old teachers 😉

photo 2On Saturday morning, I finally got back to my old routine! I hadn’t been to the Farmer’s Market in a few weeks – once because of the craziness of Thanksgiving, and the other time because I just plain old forgot 😉 I started the day with the 2nd long run of my half marathon training…I was aiming for 5.75 miles, but my course ended up being a little bit longer. No worries! I figure there’s nothing wrong with being a little bit ahead of schedule 🙂

At the Farmer’s Market, I picked up mustard greens, brussels sprouts, a turnip (which I have NO idea how to cook…roast it?), a butternut squash, and my fave salsa that is already half gone. Oops 🙂 I wasted no time in cooking it all up in a very typical Katie meal: eggs, salsa, and a boatload of green veggies!

photo 3

On Saturday evening, I was double booked with holiday parties. I started off the evening at my friends CJ and Julie’s party, where I stayed and visited for a bit before heading home and getting ready for party #2: the 1960’s Mad Christmas Party!

Scott did a great job hosting, and everyone looked amazing all dressed to the nines! I was stoked to reuse my Betty Draper costume from Halloween 2010, which worked even better now that I actually have Betty Draper length hair 😉 (in 2010 my hair was halfway down my back!)

photo 4

The highlight of the weekend by far was dodgeball last night – it was playoff night and my team won! It was my first undefeated season ever, and my first championship in 2 and a half years of playing Xoso sports. It made the victory even sweeter considering that everyone on my team is a longtime (Xoso) friend of mine. It’s crazy how many friendships/romances/memories have been formed through that league!

On the menu this week is present wrapping for charity, Christmas light viewing, more holiday parties, and hopefully lots of cookies 😉 Gotta love this time of year!

Have you been to any themed holiday parties yet this year?

What typically Christmasy things do you look forward to this month?

Friday Faves

Happy Friday!

Since the state legislative session wrapped up last week, things have been pretty quiet ’round the Capitol lately. This has left lots of time for Facebook stalking internet browsing! Check out some things I have been loving lately:

1. Surviving Whole Foods

“The first thing I see is the great wall of kombucha — 42 different kinds of rotten tea. Fun fact: the word kombucha is Japanese for ‘I gizzed in your tea.’ Anyone who’s ever swallowed the glob of mucus at the end of the bottle knows exactly what I’m talking about.”

HAHAHA. I actually have only been to Whole Foods twice ever (blasphemy, I know), but everyone will enjoy this article!

2. Dodgeball


Yes, I am still playing. No, no more broken bones….yet. But my team is 4-1 and we are kickin’ ass!

3. Robin Thicke – Blurred Lines

Yup. I went there. Pretty sure I just heard all of you X out of this window too. Since I don’t drive (and thus listen to the radio), I am the only person on the planet who is not only not sick of this song, but still frickin loves it. Totally inapprop lyrics aside, it just makes me wanna dance!

4. Honest Trailers – Breaking Bad

I actually discovered this last month when watching Breaking Bad with my friends, but I love it so much I actually have gone back and watched it a few times haha. It covers up until the first half of Season 5, so ~spoiler alert~ if you’re not caught up! “Juggalo without the paint” is my new favorite way to describe Jesse Pinkman.

Also, here’s a great article dissecting last week’s AMAZINGLY EPIC episode.

5. Karaoke

I am going with friends tonight….and I am so excited. I karaoke’d solo (and with Richard, as seen above) for the first time in May and have been itching to go back ever since!!

6. iOS 7


I decided to download iOS 7 on my iPad before taking the plunge on my iPhone. I like it so far! Very visually appealing.

That’s it for now. I’ve got an eventful weekend ahead of me – my birthday is on Tuesday, so there’s some celebrating in my future! And proooobably some anxiety about hitting the quarter century mark 😦 WAAAHHHHH life.

Do you karaoke? What’s your go-to song?

Have you upgraded to iOS 7?

Fitness Friday – 10K Edition!

Three posts in 1 week, look at me go!

I’ve VERY excited about what I’m sharing today! It’s been in the making for a while and a little over a week ago I finally made the plunge and registered…


For my first 10K!

At the beginning of this year, I set a few fitness goals for myself. They were pretty simple ones, like registering to run a 5K and running 25 miles in one month. I ran my first 5K in March, and as long as I run 3.5+ miles tomorrow, my second goal will be realized!


Kinda funny that I’ve only gone for 6 runs this month and I’m set to have my best mileage ever!

As some of you know, my boyfriend and I broke up a little over two months ago.  Soon after, I suppose in what can be considered a coping mechanism, I began making a habit of going on long Saturday morning runs followed by a trip to the Farmer’s Market. For the last 3 years, I’ve pretty much regularly run 2-3 miles, only exceeding 3 miles a handful of times…But when I started running on Saturday mornings, I realized I could extend that distance, since I wasn’t held back by time like I usually am when I go for runs on my lunch break.

On August 1st, my furthest ever run was 3.4 miles. I was already contemplating running the 10k, but wanted to play it by ear…so I started running. But what started off as “let’s see if I can run 3.4 again” turned into one of my best runs ever…..


Not just in the distance, but check out my split times! I have been doing much better at pacing myself for my first mile and saving my energy for the end. I think that has been key in increasing my distance.

After this run, I went to New York for a week and decided to see how my workouts went there before making a decision about the 10K. I tried to work out when I was there and stayed somewhat active…and when I came back, I kept up with the long Saturday morning runs:



I decided to go for it and create a loose training plan for the 10K on September 8th. Because I decided to register only 3 weeks before the race, I knew I’d have a challenge ahead of me, increasing from 4 miles to 6.2 miles in such a short amount of time. My training schedule looked something like this:

Week 1: two 3-4 mile runs during the week, 4.75 mi run on Saturday

Week 2: two 3-4 mile runs during the week, 5.25 mi run on Saturday

Week 3: two 3-4 mile runs during the week, 6.2 mi run on Sunday

Seems kind of quick, right? I asked a few friends, who all assured me I can totally do it. So I’m doin it!

Of course, I haven’t really stuck with my plan… instead of two short runs during the week, I’ve just been running twice a week and increasing my mileage by at least .25 every time I run. I went from 4 miles to 4.85 over the course of a week! I’ve also been keeping my pace very slow, I usually average slower than 9:30 min miles.

In addition to my runs, I’ve been keeping up with “cross training” AKA sorority girl elliptical + abs workouts. I also played kickball with my cast. I know I know, bad Katie…I didn’t actually play in the field, I just kicked and ran! I think sprinting around the bases has actually improved my running form 🙂


The Straw-ber-ritas help too 🙂

By the way, my cast came off on Wednesday and my orthopedist said that my bone healed beautifully!!! I was extremely nervous, given my history of low bone density and how long it took last year’s break to heal. But I am extremely thankful that my calcium regimen served me well this time around! With the help of the above thumb brace, I may have even played dodgeball last night….shhh don’t tell my doctor 😉


Last summer, I really found myself in a funk when I broke my hand. This time around, without that boyfriend support system, I was really worried that would happen again…but thanks to a consistent work out “regimen” I stayed the same happy and perky Katie that I usually am. Yay exercise!

Happy Labor Day weekend everyone! If you have Monday off like me, I’m sure it will be a good one 🙂

What’s the longest race you’ve done? Did you follow a training plan?

Do you find that your happiness + activity level are linked?

Women & Bone Health: Why I Take Calcium

Last summer, this happened:

photo 2

I broke my left 4th metacarpal playing this “children’s” sport:

For those of you who weren’t loyal blog readers yet this time last year, a ball came hurtling towards my face from point blank range during a fateful dodgeball match…I threw up my hands to protect da moneymaker, and the ball shattered my left hand. I instantly knew something was wrong, it wasn’t so much painful as much as it was…discomforting. Something definitely felt out of place. And I was right!

In February (about 4-5 months after getting my cast off), I made my triumphant return to dodgeball.

Though a lot of people thought I was crazy (Hi Mom), dodgeball played a key part in making my post-college life bearable. When I started playing dodgeball, I had few friends left here at home, was living at my parents house, and working an unpaid internship 16 hours a week…that was all I had going for me. Dodgeball gave me a social life, new friends, my first serious relationship, and best of all…I’m pretty good at it! 🙂

So back I went, and back I’ve stayed. However, there was a lot of risk involved in returning to this sport that had screwed me so badly just months before.

Because my hand took 10 weeks to heal instead of the normal 6-8 (and honestly, I saw my last xray– it wasn’t even completely healed when I got the OK to get my cast off), my doctor ordered a bone density test and it was determined that I have clinically low bone density, a condition that is referred to as osteopenia. I was on the very cusp of what is considered “osteopenic”, so I wasn’t prescribed any routine medication other than a daily calcium regimen.

The way a bone density test works is a machine measures the density of your hip and spine, then compares it to that of a “young, healthy adult”. This test is obviously normally ordered for women of menopause age or older…The technician at my test was shocked to see a 23 year old getting her bone density checked. The test results in a T-score…if your T-score is between -1 and -2.5 standard deviation below the norm, you have osteopenia. Any lower than 2.5 and you have osteoporosis. I was at exactly -1.1. So basically, when compared to other healthy adults of my same age, my bones are weaker.

When I discovered this, I wrote a blog post about what I thought was the culprit and some ways I planned to keep my bones healthy. My “diagnosis” was kind of a wake up call for me to forget about achieving or maintaining a “goal weight” and start thinking about getting the right nutrients. I also noted that I needed to do more weight-bearing exercise and obviously start taking calcium pills.


I only know that I have low bone density because I got a bad injury. But with more than half of Americans ages 65 and up meeting the clinical definition of having osteoporosis, it’s better to be safe than sorry when you’re in your 20’s and 30’s and your body is developing (not in the pre-pubescent way…but you know what I mean).

Check out these tips for keeping healthy bones from the US Office of Women’s Health:

1) Get enough calcium each day

The OWH recommends 1,000mg per day. My doctor (and the bone density test technician) said any calcium pill that has both calcium and vitamin D is A-OK. One of my big fat calcium pills is about 60% of my daily recommended intake. I have actually switched to a multivitamin that has 500mg, but it has all the iron and other vitamins I need as well.


Incorporating calcium into my diet has also been key in maintaining my bone health. I switched to yogurt for breakfast and started buying almond milk (which often has more calcium than dairy milk!). The last few weeks, my breakfasts have consisted of 2 slices of toast, each with a wedge of Laughing Cow cream cheese and sometimes with a dollop of grandma’s apricot jam. (Each wedge of Laughing Cow has 10% of your daily calcium!)

2) Get enough Vitamin D each day
sunny legs

ahh! the pale! it burns =P

Vitamin D is my favorite. This is because the best source of Vitamin D (outside of actual Vitamin D pills) is sunshine! Just 10-15 minutes in the sun can give you what you need. OWH recommends 600mg per day. I may be pale, but give me some SPF 70 and I cherish my time in the sun! I am a sun baby for sure.

3) Eat a healthy diet



Kale, black beans, and chicken = recipe for healthy bones?

Protein, vitamins K and C, and several other nutrients are also key in bone health. Leafy greens actually have some calcium, and the WOH suggests lean proteins like poultry and fish.

4) Get moving
baby muscles

Check out those baby muscles!

Weight-bearing activity (anything where your body works against gravity) is best for keeping healthy bones. Walking, running, and lifting weights (a new-ish practice for me – see above) are all activities I do several times per week to keep me strong.

5) Don’t smoke

Never have, never will!

6) Drink alcohol moderately

Well…depends on your definition of “moderate”. I do have more than one drink (usually no more than 3-4) a couple times per week. This is definitely an area that can be improved upon 🙂

7) Make your home safe

WOH recommends things like bath mats and less clutter to avoid falling in your home… The main thing I really have to worry about is flying objects:

This may seem like a random topic for a post, but I had a scary encounter last night at dodgeball that has me pretty nervous:

I jammed my thumb pretty badly 😦 It’s currently swollen to about 1.5 times its normal size, is hard as a rock, and is lookin’ all kinds of blue and purple. Heading to the doc in about an hour to get it checked out… lots of happy thoughts please!

When all is said and done, I’m hoping all the precautions I’ve been taking for the past year that I’ve outlined here have served me well and that it’s just a really bad sprain.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Have you ever broken a bone or had a bad sports injury?

Does osteoporosis run in your family? Start taking calcium!!

Turkey Meatballs

I’m proud to report that I have been killing it with the running! After 7 days of a horrendous cold and not exercising, I got right back on the train last week and have been running 2.5-2.6 miles per run. I’m slightly interested in doing this hilarious-sounding 5K at the end of the month…I’m gonna just keep chuggin’ along, increasing my distance at a pace that feels right, and we’ll see if I am up to 3 miles by then!

I was planning on running today, but I think I might have to give my legs a rest:


I feel like a broken record this season, but MAN can some dudes (and chicas) throw hard in our dodgeball league! Check out the bruising and redness on the left. Sidenote: I promise I’m not naked in this picture. Haha.

Last night was playoffs and we were seeded #3 out of 8 …our first game was against a bunch of our friends (it’s actually the team I played on the season I broke my hand) and they gave us a good fight, but we eventually beat them 4-2. Next, we played a team that upset the #2 seed…they did not upset us, as we beat them 6-0 :-P. However, in the championship game we faced a team with one of the best players (and hardest throwers) in the league. We lost the first 3 games, then won the next 3 to tie it up with no time left!

GAAAAHHH my heart was racing. It was intense, guys. {yes, I am aware I am calling a children’s game intense.}

So we played a tiebreaker game and it ended up being me and one other guy versus 5 of them. If you’re the last player in, you can try shooting the ball into the basketball hoop and if you make it, your whole team gets to come back in. So I stepped out and let CJ try for a shot, but he was unsuccessful. So 2nd place it was for us last night! It was an incredibly exciting game though, and I am so glad we came back to tie it!

Fireball shots for everyone!

Anyway, meatballs.

How’s that for a segue?

Since I’ve been running more, I’ve also been packing in the protein. On Wednesday, I made these meatballs with lunch the next day in mind…I knew I’d have to have a good protein-packed lunch to tide me over till dodgeball!


These turkey meatballs have been my favorite thing to make the last six months. I usually brown them in a skillet, cook them in tomato sauce, and dump them over spaghetti squash, but squash is quickly going out of season…I decided to make the meatballs without it and see if they were any good on their own.


Good? They’re grrreat! Yes, I just went there.

These meatballs aren’t typical. They aren’t loaded with breadcrumbs (gasp!). Selon moi, all you need for a great meatball is to load it up with fresh herbs. Plus, tis almost the season for me to start sneaking zucchini into everything…why not into meatballs as well? Plus, with extra lean ground turkey, these came out to just 46 calories a pop, with 2.4g fat, .6g fiber, and 4.7g protein…in each one!



I actually regretted using extra lean ground turkey to make the meatballs this time, however. Use regular or normal lean ground turkey, and rejoice in how juicy and flavorful your meatballs are. They’ll still taste good with extra lean, but they will be dry. Just add sauce!

I feel like there’s a Schweddy Balls joke in here somewhere…


Turkey Meatballs
makes ~17 meatballs
Inspired by A Cozy Kitchen’s Turkey Zucchini Meatballs

1 package ground turkey (1.25 lbs)
1/2 small onion, finely diced (about 1/2 cup)
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 medium zucchini
1 egg
1 handful fresh herbs, chopped (about 1/4 cup once chopped)
spices, if desired (since I was using cilantro, I added a bit of chile powder and cayenne)
salt & pepper
cooking spray

Start by grating your zucchini. Put it in a strainer or colander, sprinkle with salt and set aside.

Preheat oven to 350F and spray baking sheet with cooking spray. Prepare the rest of your ingredients: chop the onion and garlic, as well as your herbs. Once everything is ready to assemble, squeeze out all excess liquid from the zucchini in a clean towel or sturdy paper towel. Combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl…use your hands! Shape the mixture into equal sized balls – mine were about 1 1/2 inches in diameter.

Place meatballs in oven and bake for 15-20 minutes, turning once. The meatballs are cooked when the inside is no longer pink, and when the internal temperature has reached 165 degrees.

Notes: See Adrianna’s recipe above for instructions on how to pan fry these. I used cilantro this time, but these are best with basil and/or rosemary.

Life According to Instagram

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Since I didn’t post a “weekend in photos” this week, I decided on another way to give my faithful readers their regular fill of weirdly filtered square photos of my life.

To see all these & more, make sure you’re following me at @krhanzlik!

Have a great weekend, and GO NINERS! It’s gonna be a crazy weekend in Northern California, you can be sure of that! Continue reading