Friday Faves

Hey friends! I survived my week! I am currently writing this post on Thursday night, the first night this week that I didn’t work overtime and/or didn’t have some kind of function to attend after work. PHEW.

My office hosted/coordinated/attended quite a few events this week (ALL of which took place on Wednesday, I might add) so it was a crazy time. And much like I said in my post about staying healthy in times of busy-ness, I have still been keeping up with my workouts…buuuut just not so much with the healthy eating part. Though I can successfully say I haven’t had any cheese and crackers dinners this week! Small victory.

In the little time I’ve had to surf the web over the past few weeks, I’ve accumulated a few fun finds, along with other things I’ve been enjoying IRL, that I wanted to share today. Enjoy! Continue reading

Personalized Workout Outfits from Fabletics

Happy Friday everyone!!

I have some awesome goodies to share with you all today, but I need to start off with a completely unrelated story.

So as I was finishing up work yesterday, I was feeling focused and productive and made myself a little To-Do list for when I got home. It’s nice having Thursday nights free now that I’m taking a break from dodgeball! The list included “write blog post”, “clean room”, “prep lunch”, “look into plane tickets for BLEND“, “re-arrange Pinterest boards”, etc etc.

Anyway, it was a beautiful Spring day (the recorded high was 84 degrees!) and I was wearing a new brightly colored dress and blazer, walking home, listening to music on my headphones and feeling like a pretty fortunate SOB.

Wanting to keep that good feeling going, I arrived home, promptly poured myself a glass of Sauvignon Blanc, then went to turn on my computer to bump some more feel good tunes…ONLY TO SEE A GIANT COCKROACH SCURRY ACROSS THE FLOOR UNDER THE COUCH.

In the two years we’ve been living in our apartment, Hanna and I have come across a handful (maybe 5?) of these guys, and it never gets easier having to deal with them!

Hanna arrived home about 10 minutes later to find me standing – petrified – on a chair in the living room and we tag teamed the crap out of killing the guy. Special shout out to RAID and a large heavy pot.

ANYWAY, it goes without saying I decided to pour myself an extra glass of wine and push aside the To-Do list till another night! However, I did manage to re-organize all of my Pinterest boards and start writing this blog post…. #priorities


Now, on to the subject at hand: workout clothes!

Does anyone else pretty much live in workout clothes? My days pretty much go like this: 1) sleep in workout clothes. 2) wake up and run…in workout clothes. 3) go to work in business casual. 4) come home and IMMEDIATELY change back into workout/lounge clothes.

It’s a tough, yet extremely comfortable, life I lead! 😉

A few weeks ago, I shared with you all that I was eagerly awaiting the arrival of my first Fabletics outfit. When you sign up for a VIP membership, you get your first outfit for only $25.99! Holla!

Spoiler alert: I loved my first outfit! However, sista is on a budget, and can’t drop $50 on a new outfit every month.

Thus the beauty of the Fabletics VIP program: even though you get an e-mail each month with a list of outfits, you can opt out and not have to pay a dime! All it takes is one click. So I opted out for March and got another outfit in April. Let me show you what I’ve scored!

OUTFIT 1: Bridge



IMG_4582Bridge came with the Norwalk TankMoro Shorts, and a Headband

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I love these shorts. They’re basically like leggings (which I live in during the colder months), but more appropriate for warm weather! The material is soft and breathable, and there’s a hidden pocket in the waistline. I was slightly worried about the quality when I noticed some unraveling strings, but they have definitely held up through quite a few washes and workouts.

The top is a lot like one I got from Target last year (kinda like this), except BETTER because it has an adjustable drawstring at the bottom. I never have to adjust this shirt while I’m running!


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I tested out the shirt the next day – I had to color coordinate! The bra part of the shirt provides support, but the rest of it is nice and airy. Perfect!

I actually wore the shorts and headband for my half marathon:

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Don’t worry, that face is not me reacting to a wedgie! They actually don’t ride up too much while running. They do, but it’s not at a level that feels uncomfortable. I only adjusted them a few times during the race, mostly for vanity reasons (shorts riding up on your inner thigh = sausage legs. not a good look!) and I knew the cameras were watching! 😉

Total price (separately) –: $69.85

Total VIP price (separately) — $55.85

Total VIP price (as an outfit) (first time buyer) — $29.99! (and FREE shipping)

OUTFIT 2: Lateral

I bought my next outfit exactly as pictured on the site. I splurged a little because I realized I didn’t have any waterproof clothing for running in the rain, so I decided on an outfit that came with a windbreaker. I figured if it was something I needed anyway, I might as well get it affordably priced through Fabletics!


IMG_5387Lateral came with the Oula TankSuki Shorts, and the Yalu Jacket

I’m still on the fence about the tank – the material is extremely soft and thin, but it’s also pretty staticky and it’s stretchy and oversized. However, I haven’t worked out in it yet, and I think it will be perfect for running on hot days!

IMG_5392The shorts are very similar to the other ones, except they’re technically bike shorts and are a bit longer. I’m cool with this. Both legs have that semi inconspicuous pocket!

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The jacket is very lightweight and looks super cool… It has tons of pockets with zippers, plus a hood and thumbholes!! (2 of my favorite things!)

IMG_5399Plus, another cool adjustable waistband!

Total price (separately) –: $99.85

Total VIP price (separately) — $79.85

Total VIP price (as an outfit) — $69.95! (free shipping)

This was probably a little more than I would have liked to pay, but as you can see, the VIP membership gets you a pretty good discount. Plus, for what you get it’s a steal! A windbreaker plus a good quality tank top and shorts?

Overall, I am happy with the Fabletics service and will definitely be sticking with it! I think it’s really worth it if you are (like me) someone who has lots of workout clothes! Plus, you can get your first outfit for only $25.99 and see if you like it. What’s there to lose?

Click here to check out Fabletics!


(Note: I wasn’t compensated to write this post. I’m just a girl who likes workout clothes! All opinions are my own!)


Do you live in workout attire too?

Ever tried any online subscription services? What’s your favorite?

Weekend in Photos

Hellooooo March weather and Spring time!

I know everyone hates springing forward because of the hour of sleep lost (the sleep lover in me can definitely hear that!), however it is arguably my favorite weekend of the year because I love having longer days! Don’t have to lug my bike light to work anymore or walk home in the dark– yippee!

I might (key word: MIGHT) miss my pre-sunrise 6:30am runs though once it starts to get lighter earlier again. Those were kind of nice 😉 …..NAH who am I kidding?!

Anyway, let’s jump into it!


Friday was a weird day at work- half of the office was out, we went to a weird free breakfast event so I skipped lunch, and the day just seemed to drag. So the end of the day selfie was a given 😛 I came home to my new Fabletics outfit in the mail and IMMEDIATELY tried it on – will definitely be sharing more about what I bought soon!

I then cozied up with a plate of crackers and cheese (I also had a bowl of roasted veggies) and painted my nails while watching a classic: THE PRINCESS DIARIES. Oh, a green face mask may have also made an appearance. Yep, I’m 12 years old at heart. Did anyone else have a fat crush on Erik Von Detten as a preteen??


A chill evening in created ideal conditions for my Saturday morning run. My internal clock was still on weekday time and I woke up at 7am 😦 after lying in bed as long as I could, I got ready and was out by 9am for my run! As you can tell by the sweat, it was a HOT day. It ended up being in the mid-70’s later on and I was definitely feelin it!

It was a good one- 11.5 miles at race pace. I was actually averaging a bit slower than I wanted from miles 3-6ish, but I picked it up for the last couple of miles and averaged a whopping 8:30 for mile 11- then I spotted my friend Danielle and pretty much sprinted my last half mile (8:19 min/mi) with her boyfriend Noel 😛

This week is tapering week, so that was my last long training run! Cannot believe race time is almost here! It’s forecast to be 80 degrees on Sunday- good thing our wave starts early.


Afterward, I walked to the Farmer’s Market to get my favorite salsa and flowers (I love daisies!) and of course a dirty chai 🙂
Then, I convinced my mom to come along for an impromptu Macy’s trip. Great/terrible decision… I love shopping with my mom, but she is a bad influence! She talked me into getting a couple of dresses. Luckily we had coupons 😉 However, I went with the intention of replenishing my BareMinerals moisturizer and left with everything you see above, including BB cream, which I apparently use now….

I don’t have any pictures from Saturday evening, but it involved one final Sacramento Beer Week event (Yummy Dogfish Head beers at BarWest), followed by a quick game of pool (props to Chris for knocking in the 8 ball 10 minutes into our game!), and an epic Beatles listening sesh. I instituted a 10pm curfew for the weeks leading up to my race, so I was home and in bed by 11!


On Sunday morning, I woke up at 8am (meaning 7am…merrrr) to make a full farmers market trip with Yvette. It was actually kind of crazy how much cheaper some of the vendors are at the big Sunday Farmer’s Market! I might have to switch up my routine! We stopped at Yvette’s parents house afterward and got treated to breakfast (and lots of fun stories) by her mom.


The weekend ended with our dodgeball championship game, which came down to the wire- we started off down 1-3 and pulled off a 4-3 comeback victory! (Editor’s note: we did come back to make the score 4-3, but we actually ended up winning 5-4 in an overtime victory. Ahem, thanks for the correction ALEX GRAVES) I have such a great time playing on Sundays because my team is made up of some of my closest dodgeball friends — many of whom I’ve been playing with for well over a year! It helps that Sundays are a little less competitive than the Thursday A league, and we use a smaller, lighter ball as well 🙂 Check out the play by play on the Xoso website here!

I’m now ready to take it easy this week- both with half marathon training and my social life- to prepare for Sunday’s race. Tyler is coming up on Friday night and we (+ Chris) start running at 8am sharp on Sunday morning!

Have a great week!

Do you have a favorite farmer’s market?

Any pre-half marathon race week tips?

Friday Favorites + A Call for Running Songs!

Happy Friday everyone!

I really can’t believe how fast the weeks go by when my workdays are busy. When getting through each day feels like a huge accomplishment, it kinda sneaks up on you when 5 are already under your belt!

I’m linking up with Katie this week to share my Friday Favorites! Enjoy!

Favorite Pup:


My love for pugs is well-documented on this blog. I died when I saw this. Died.

Favorite Splurge (but not really): Fabletics


So I’ve mentioned a few times on here that I am obsessed with workout clothes.

Somehow I came across Fabletics on Facebook last week and I realized they were having a special – all new VIP members could get any outfit for $25.99! After taking a quick lifestyle quiz, I got my suggested outfits — every single outfit was super cute, and some included up to 3 pieces! (top, bottoms, and a headband or sports bra!) I got the one above (except I chose a top that was white & green, grey/teal shorts, and yellow headband).

Unlike most subscription services, you aren’t automatically charged every month for signing up to be a VIP member- at the beginning of each month, they send you an e-mail with outfits that fit your needs/taste, and if you don’t see any you like, you can opt out. The normal price for VIP members is $49.99 per outfit, which is still a steal!

Click here to check it out and sign up – did I mention it’s free to join? #free.99 #myfavoriteprice

Favorite Text:

photo 1

You know you have a problem when you text your friend that you’re going to Grocery Outlet and she already knows what you’re going to get 😉 I’m so predictable.

Favorite Half Marathon Apparel:

needs a beer

I found these two shirts on Etsy and have been surveying Facebook and my friends all week about which I should wear to the Shamrock’n Half Marathon next weekend… Which one do you think I should pick?

Favorite Visit:


My uncle Bobby was in town from Florida for a quick work trip earlier this week and my dad and I got the opportunity to meet up with him! We were going to meet him at his hotel, but in Bobby’s words, “I see pictures on your blog every week of you drinking beers all around town…I want to get a beer with my niece!!!” Jeez, twist my arm would ya?!

We went to Tank House, a new-ish BBQ joint in Midtown. Sacramento Beer Week is still going strong and they were featuring beers from Anchor Brewing, a somewhat local San Francisco brewery. Thanks for treating us to a fun evening, Uncle Bobby!

Favorite Song to Run to:

Pharrell – Happy

Who doesn’t love this song right now? If you just raised your hand, you officially have no soul. This song never fails to put a smile on my face and a little pep in my step!

Speaking of music that puts pep in your step… I need your suggestions!

I used to have a running playlist, but it was only about 30 minutes long. This was it:

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You’ll notice it is EXTREMELY outdated, haha.

When I started running longer distances this summer, I gave up the running playlist in favor of just playing my iPhone’s library on shuffle, since that would never run out of music!

However, I have noticed that upbeat music seriously makes a difference in my pace and motivation when I run, so I am putting together a playlist for next weekend’s half marathon! (OMG- NEXT WEEKEND….)

Last night I asked my BFF for some of her favorite songs, and added a few that I’ve enjoyed running to during my long runs these past few weeks:

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Basically I will run to anything that is

  • A) motivational (Stronger, Born This Way, Survivor, anyone?),
  • B) Fast-paced (Mean and Toxic both fit into this category), OR
  • C) Happy go lucky enough to make me wanna sing or dance while I run (Happy, Marry You, and I Love It for sure!)

So, now I ask you:

What are your favorite songs to run to?