
I’m Katie. When I started blogging more than 3 years ago, I was a recent college grad with little direction and lots of time on my hands.

I came to find out that there’s actually nothing fun about funemployment. After graduation, I reluctantly moved back to my childhood home. I spent hours watching the Food Network and doing Jillian Michaels exercise videos, and I tested out recipes on my parents for dinner most nights of the week. It all worked out for me in the end: I finally shed my Freshman 15!


after my first half marathon!

Throughout my weight loss process, I occasionally ran a couple miles to incorporate cardio into my routine, but hated it. Up until June 2013, I had never run further than 5K. That all changed that summer, and in September, I ran my first 10K. By December, I had signed up for my first half marathon, and I’m currently planning my next. If you’d asked me 2 years ago if I’d ever run a half marathon, let alone more than one? I’d have said you were crazy. But I love giving myself a goal, and the blood, sweat, and tears are all worth it when you cross that finish line!

That being said, life is all about balance. I’d be lying if I said I never skipped a workout. I have a weakness for wine, cheese and Nutella (can you tell I studied abroad in France?) and I’ll never turn down some hot, greasy French fries. I believe everyone should indulge every once in a while, and that you shouldn’t beat yourself up if you have an off day. I am often heard telling my friends that I run “so I can eat”, and that’s the honest truth!

why not speed up the process -- go running in a vineyard!

why not speed up the process — go running in a vineyard!

Here at Run Now, Wine Later, I chronicle my attempt to have it all: both a demanding 9-5 job as well as a healthy lifestyle and active fitness routine, while still attempting to eat all the food, and taste all the wine.

I hope you’ll follow along using the social media buttons on my sidebar! If you have any questions, comments, or requests, feel free to shoot me an e-mail!

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