What My {Teacher} Mom Has Taught Me

Today, and this past week, mark two very important (Hallmark-created) holidays for which I’d like to take a minute to commemorate.

Teacher Appreciation Week and Mother’s Day.

I am fortunate to have been blessed with a wonderful mother, who just so happens to also be a teacher. Continue reading

Fitness Friday – Half Marathon Training Update #1

Hi everyone and a belated Merry Christmas!

I hope you all had a nice time visiting with family and/or friends, eating good food, and enjoying the season. I know I did!


On Christmas Eve, we drove to Marin County to spend the evening with my Grandma. My mom’s family is Italian, so our own tradition is Italian food on Christmas Eve. This year, we brought that tradition to my dad’s side of family and my mom made an epic lasagna, which we enjoyed before going to church and checking out some Christmas lights in the neighborhood.

On Christmas morning, the rest of the family arrived and we had a Christmas brunch, complete with mimosas (because duh, this is me we’re talking about!) and plenty of eggy, cheesy dishes. There was no shortage of cheese this Christmas hahaha #godblessusEVERYONE!

I got a few nice things this year, but the two best gifts I got were a job offer (!!!) and my parents treated me to a new pair of running shoes.

I went to Fleet Feet to get fitted (they’re the ones putting on my half marathon!). I’d had my old shoes for almost a year, and when I got fitted last time, I told them I was running 3 miles max (which was the truth!)… this time, I made sure to get inserts and running socks as well.

Which leads me to my next subject… An update on my Half Marathon training!

I am currently in Week 4 of my “12 week” training plan. I have 12 weeks of runs planned, with 2 weeks extra in case I need to delay a long run because of travel or sickness. I actually did have a bit of a head/chest cold this past week, but luckily since I stayed in on Friday night and slept 10 hours, it didn’t get in the way of my long run on Saturday.

Last time we spoke, I had worked out a training plan…

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I have since decided to create another spreadsheet showing my actual progress where I can keep track of my pace.

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Any run labeled as “run” is supposed to be at an easy pace, and any run labeled at “pace” is supposed to be at race pace. I have basically been pushing myself to stay under 9 minutes for my race pace runs.

You can see last week my pace SHOT up after getting new shoes and replenishing my fitmixer Clean Energy supply. At this point, I think/hope I can manage a 2:00:00 half marathon time, which would be about 9:10 min/mile. We will of course see if I can keep up my pace as I increase my distance!

Thoughts After 4 Weeks:

aches & pains

I decided I couldn’t wait till Christmas to get new shoes because I had been getting bad blisters and, since increasing to 3 runs per week, a little bit of knee pain. So I went on December 18th, and learned that my right knee over-rotates a little bit, which I think accounts for most of the pain I experience. One of my feet is also SLIGHTLY (like less than half an inch) bigger than the other, which may cause some hip pain eventually. So basically I’m feeling a bit of wear and tear, but I’ve got fingers crossed that it’s nothing that will develop into a more serious injury!

Moral of the story: stretching and icing are my friends right now!

the course

For 5 miles or less, I usually just run loops around nearby Capitol Park or McKinley Park…But as my distance increases, I’m changing up my routes, because it would be a little boring to run around Capitol Park 8 times 😉 This past week, I ran on part of the actual Half Marathon course and was less than thrilled that there were a couple of hills…

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The view was nice though!

It motivated me to go for a bike ride on Sunday for my cross training, and I biked pretty much the entire half marathon route. It was extremely humbling, to say the least. There were way more hills than I expected on the bike trail that the course follows! This definitely solidified my plan to train on the actual course.

photo 2 photo 3

lifestyle changes

One big reason why I decided to do this half marathon was to force myself to make changes as far as diet/lifestyle/etc goes. I’ve already started using my Saturday morning runs as an excuse to stay in on Fridays (and drink tea instead of beer 😉 ) and the result is definitely tangible. Being well rested for my long runs makes a huge difference!

I’m hoping that once I start my job, I will get back on track as far as food goes. I’ve been all over the place: some days eating cookies for breakfast, vegetables for lunch, and going out to eat a lot more than I prefer. Tis the season, right? I’m interested in seeing how much weight I lose post-holidays, if any – I’ve put on about 10 pounds, but am fairly convinced it is mostly muscle!

Tomorrow will be my first “furthest run ever” training run of 7.25 miles, and it’ll be a fun exercise in self control to abstain from adult beverages tonight 🙂


That’s it for today! I doubt you’ll be hearing much from me until the new year, since we are trekking out to my roomie’s family cabin on the Oregon Coast for New Years. We went 2 years ago and had a fantastic time, so I’m excited to escape to the little lakeside cabin again!

Happy New Year!

Do you have any fun Christmas traditions?

Half marathoners: How did you predict your race pace? Were training runs a good indicator for you?

Weekend in Photos

Hello and happy Monday! Um, how crazy is it that Christmas is just over a week away? Anyone else lightweight freaking out right now? Luckily, I find baking to be stress relieving, because I have a lot of it to do over the next 7 days 😉

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Now…on to the weekend recap! On Friday afternoon, my brother Andrew picked me up and we headed to our parents house for yet another holiday party. My mom has done a great job this month, hosting Thanksgiving, my dad’s birthday party, and this time was her faculty holiday party. My mom teaches at my high school, so I had a fun time catching up with some of my old teachers 😉

photo 2On Saturday morning, I finally got back to my old routine! I hadn’t been to the Farmer’s Market in a few weeks – once because of the craziness of Thanksgiving, and the other time because I just plain old forgot 😉 I started the day with the 2nd long run of my half marathon training…I was aiming for 5.75 miles, but my course ended up being a little bit longer. No worries! I figure there’s nothing wrong with being a little bit ahead of schedule 🙂

At the Farmer’s Market, I picked up mustard greens, brussels sprouts, a turnip (which I have NO idea how to cook…roast it?), a butternut squash, and my fave salsa that is already half gone. Oops 🙂 I wasted no time in cooking it all up in a very typical Katie meal: eggs, salsa, and a boatload of green veggies!

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On Saturday evening, I was double booked with holiday parties. I started off the evening at my friends CJ and Julie’s party, where I stayed and visited for a bit before heading home and getting ready for party #2: the 1960’s Mad Christmas Party!

Scott did a great job hosting, and everyone looked amazing all dressed to the nines! I was stoked to reuse my Betty Draper costume from Halloween 2010, which worked even better now that I actually have Betty Draper length hair 😉 (in 2010 my hair was halfway down my back!)

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The highlight of the weekend by far was dodgeball last night – it was playoff night and my team won! It was my first undefeated season ever, and my first championship in 2 and a half years of playing Xoso sports. It made the victory even sweeter considering that everyone on my team is a longtime (Xoso) friend of mine. It’s crazy how many friendships/romances/memories have been formed through that league!

On the menu this week is present wrapping for charity, Christmas light viewing, more holiday parties, and hopefully lots of cookies 😉 Gotta love this time of year!

Have you been to any themed holiday parties yet this year?

What typically Christmasy things do you look forward to this month?

Fitness Friday: Pile on the Miles Results!

A little over a month ago, I announced that I was participating in the Pile on the Miles challenge this November:

Not one to set goals for myself and never actually follow through and see if I achieved them….Here I am to report back on how I did!

The challenge was to walk or run more during the month of November, with a goal to pile on extra miles, not pounds, during this food filled time of year.

While I did pile on some pounds last month, lol, I think I definitely achieved my goal of walking AND running more. My goal for the month of November was to log at least 100 miles total on my Fitbit, and to run 40 miles. A big improvement on my New Years resolution to run 25 miles in a month, eh? I’m still kind of in awe at the improvements I’ve made in my running this year, even despite my month in a cast over the summer.

Let’s see how I did:

POTMtotalmilesI get a weekly email from Fitbit letting me know my stats for the previous week and, upon looking at my emails from November, it’s pretty clear I crushed my overall goal…by 20 miles! I’m sure my increase in running helped.

I was pretty sure I would achieve this goal easily, but the running goal was a little more of a challenge…

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BARELY nailed it! I definitely found myself increasing my mileage toward the end of the month. I remember not wanting to run more than 3 or 3.5 on my last run before my race, but I calculated This was A) to be prepared for my 10K on the 28th and B) to make sure I’d reach 40 miles. And I did!

Since I no longer have access to the Fitness Center in the building I used to work in, I have been focusing a lot more on my running lately (and the occasional living room workout with hand weights!) – needless to say, I have kept up with the running since Thanksgiving, and I already have 15 miles logged in just the first week of December!

I don’t know how I’m going to keep up as Winter approaches… I have been bundling up for my 40 degree morning jogs (which REALLY isn’t that bad, I know), but luckily I usually have sun…until now. It’s slated to SNOW tonight! In California. What the heck?!


This is my “I’m Makeupless and Frightened of Running in Cold Weather” face. You likey?

Have a great weekend and stay warm!

Runners: How many miles to you run each month?

How are you staying active during the holiday season?

Labor Day Weekend in Photos

Raise your hand if you didn’t want to get out of bed this morning!

My roomie and I had a hilarious moment this morning…I was drowsily walking out of the bathroom as she was walking in, and she looks at me and goes, “Is it just me, or was it really hard waking up today?” …Given the fact that it was already 8:10 and I had been snoozing my alarm since 7:30am, I don’t even have to tell you how much I agreed 😉

Also, I would like to take a moment to thank my multivitamin and kombucha for getting me through this weekend. Multivitamin for my lack of sleep…and kombucha for my hangover tummy aches!

The weekend started with me whipping up a batch of my Avocado-Cilantro Hummus to bring to Manteca for Wine Stomp 2013. Every year, my college friend Rob invites a group of us to his parent’s beautiful home in Manteca to stomp their chardonnay grapes, drink lots of wine, and generally have a blast. This year was no exception!


Nicki and I arrived just in time to enjoy a movie in the backyard under the stars. Rob’s dad set up a projector and a huge (10-15 feet) screen. We watched Mud, starring Matthew McConnaghey (um, I just realized I’ve never actually had to spell his name…is that even correct?) and Reese Witherspoon. It was pretty good!


Saturday was Stomping Day!! Nicki and I woke up early-ish to go for a run in the “country” so I could stay on track for this weekend’s 10K. Unfortunately, I was severely dehydrated and there was very little shade, so I nearly passed out after about 3 miles. #fail.. I still need to get one long run in before the race on Sunday, hopefully I’ll be able to do that tomorrow morning.

After a jump in the pool, everyone got their picking gloves on and we started picking the chardonnay grapes we’d be stomping later!


Then it was stomping time! We picked names out of a hat for who would face whom, then set a timer and played one minute of a song. Jerry and I tied at 4 cups of grape juice each, while the winning score was 8 cups! That is a lot of juice.

After stomping, we had a blind taste test (where everyone guessed what variety of wine they were drinking) and barbecue, followed by a beautiful sunset, bonfire and smores! Such a perfect day.


Nicki and I headed back Sunday morning with plenty of time to spare for more fun. So, for the 2nd week in a row, Matt & I had Sunday Funday, which included a silly re-enactment at Gold Rush Days in Old Sac, followed by beers (lots of beers) at Fanny Ann’s, and a drink at Dive Bar on our walk back into Midtown. And yes, my liver was crying by this point.


Because I apparently didn’t have enough wine at Grape Stomp, the logical next step of the weekend was to #DrinkMoreWine. Miranda was having an impromptu ladies wine & cheese night at her new place, with guest of honor Timmy the cat! All of my favorite things 😀


Monday morning was for brunching at Crepeville. Highlight? Definitely that banana-stuffed beauty on the right. Not pictured: the vat of Nutella we got on the side. I may have a Nutella problem…

Unfortunately, it RAINED most of the rest of the day. So after a few too many days of debauchery, most of Monday was spent relaxing, cleaning up around the apartment, and catching up on TV shows. (1 ep of Breaking Bad and 2 eps of The Newsroom, to be exact!)

Hope you all had great Labor Day weekends, and enjoy the rest of your short week!

What was the highlight of your weekend?

What is your favorite kind of wine?

4th of July Weekend in Photos

Hello and welcome back to reality. I remember the 4th of July sucking last year because it was in the middle of the week and I didn’t get any extra days off…However, I think it might be even worse to have a 4 day weekend and then be thrown back into the reality of work! Luckily the whole legislature will be on recess soon, so my days won’t be too strenuous 🙂


I made the best decision ever and chose to escape the 109 degree heat of Sacramento on the 4th of July by taking Megabus to San Francisco. For those of you keeping score at home, we had 7 days of 100+ degree temps, and of those 7 days, 5 were above 105. Worst week ever. The weather in San Francisco on 4th of July? 75 degrees and sunny. Can I get an amen?


I stayed with my old college roommate, So-Ky, and for the daytime festivities we met our friend Meghan and her USF law school buddies in Golden Gate Park by the Conservatory of Flowers to BBQ and celebrate. That would be me sporting Meghan’s authentic 1996 Team USA Olympic warm up jacket and doing my best Kerri Strug. With a beer in my hand, of course.


Daisy chain, patriotic hat, and a Reagan-Bush beer koozie. Amurrica.


After the BBQ, our other former roomie Tyler arrived with our former neighbor Monique and we went out for drinks. We saw a Hello Kitty car (only in SF…) and the boys made friends with a very friendly Brit, who was also very inebriated. I made sure to Snapchat photo evidence to our other roomies (there were 6 of us in a tiny apartment!) and college friends. I had a great time reminiscing and remembering old stories of the pranks the boys pulled on us senior year 🙂


The next day, the 4 of us had brunch at Howard’s Cafe in the Inner Sunset…I got the breakfast special (2 eggs, 2 pieces of bacon, 2 slices of toast, & potatoes for $4.99!) and So-Ky and I went on a 4 mile walk to SF State. Then it was back to Sac for me!


When I came home, it looked like my basil plant had died in the 109 degree heat, but fortunately I was able to revive it! I spent the night finally finishing the last season of The Office and ugly-crying at some amazing Jim-Pam moments. So good!


I dubbed Saturday my own personal #TREATYOSELF day, a la Parks and Rec. I was a little sore from walking so I decided to forgo my Saturday morning run, but I made my weekly farmer’s market trip and bought myself sunflowers and ginger-berry kombucha. Then I cleaned up the apartment and treated myself to a movie – The Heat! Not gonna lie, I was kinda nervous to go watch a movie alone, but I actually kinda liked it! Funny movie too.. I love Melissa McCarthy!

In a kinda off-theme move, I then crashed guys night and watched the UFC fight with 4 guy friends. Although I guess copious amounts of beer and shirtless guys fighting isn’t too far off the theme 🙂 #treatyoself day lives on!

20130708-104000.jpgWithout intending to, I kinda extended my pampering to Sunday. I DIY’ed an awesome Kings shirt (cut off the sleeves, made it a racerback, and I took in the sides to make it less baggy), got pedicures with my mom (and chose the most obnoxiously neon pink polish I could find- the picture doesn’t do it justice!), and cooked my parents a delicious dinner.

I’m already ready for the next holiday- luckily I don’t have to wait too long, since Becky is coming out to California for a girls weekend with Carly and I in just a week and a half! Can’t wait!

How did you celebrate the 4th of July?

Have you ever gone to the movies alone?

How do you Treat Yo Self?

Mental Health Day








Let’s say it’s Friday morning at the end of an emotionally and physically draining week and you’re feeling so crummy you’re contemplating just turning around and heading back home. You call your mom, and she just happens to be driving through your neighborhood and offers to pick you up.

It’s a sign, right?

Sometimes, everything falls into place and you realize you just really need to take a personal day. No work, no blogging, just relaxation. And I guess you could probably be convinced to take a side trip to the church to help Mom with a crafty project, since they’re having a potluck anyway. 🙂

Have a good weekend, everyone, and stay cool if you’re here in triple digit Sacramento.

Summer Recipe Ideas

The season of barbecues and grilling is upon us, friends!


We are officially moving into the high 90’s, and there’s no end in sight. Such is life in Sacramento during the summer months! We get an average of 22 days of 100+ degree temps every year, according to the National Weather Service. That first day might be tomorrow!

And fortunately, I’ll actually be able to enjoy the weather this weekend: included in this weekend’s agenda are at least two barbeques, Concerts in the Park tonight, and a pub crawl tomorrow. All of a sudden, my social life has seemed to perk up! Funny how a little bit of sunshine will do that 🙂

If you’re curious whether I followed my “Getting Back on Track” meal/exercise plan for the week, I actually did pretty awesomely! All of my meals were more or less planned out [except last night I ended up having fries before dodgeball T-shirt pickup, and a salad after…I was supposed to have chicken, fries, and veggies. Not too bad, right?], and I stuck with the workouts. I surprisingly managed to run 2.7 miles on Wednesday at a 9:15 pace (my longest/fastest run since my 5K in March), and did a pretty killer arms & core workout yesterday. I’m definitely feeling like I’m back on track, though we’ll see if I can carry it over into the weekend full of food, booze, and fun!

In celebrating all of our social lives becoming active again, I decided to put together a little collection of summer recipes. Some are recipes I developed, and others are recipes I’ve pinned over the last year or so. Some are entrees that would be perfect for dinner tonight, others are sides that will make you the hero of any barbeque. I’ve got desserts and drinks too! Enjoy!

Main Dishes


Fried Green Tomato BLTs with Spicy Ranch Spread – I made these on my birthday weekend this past year and they would be perfect for a summer meal on the balcony!

Chipotle-Mango BBQ Sauce Chicken Salad – That sauce sounds out of this world!

Salmon with Lemon, Capers & Rosemary – This Giada recipe is the first fish dish I ever made, and it’s been my go-to ever since! Cooking salmon in foil packets on the grill is foolproof and so delicious.


Spicy Smoky Black Bean Burgers – My most popular recipe, and one of my favorites. Once you get the hang of it, making veggie burgers at home is really easy.

Grilled Veggie Tacos – The perfect summer meal. I made this so many times last summer!

Asian Turkey Burgers with Spicy Lime Mayo – This recipe has been pinned on one of my boards for over a year now. I think it might be time!

Side Dishes/Appetizers


Southwestern Quinoa Salad – definitely a recipe that should be in everyone’s repertoire!

Zucchini Ribbon Salad with Corn & Avocado – Finally I can make zucchini ribbons, now that I have a microplane!


Roasted Garlic Hummus – Now that I’ve perfected my hummus recipe, I am totally going to make it all summer long!

Grilled Corn & Cheddar Quinoa – I couldn’t believe how delicious this was. Possibly my favorite quinoa dish ever.

Roasted Red Pepper, Artichoke and Olive Pasta Salad – Ashley has managed to develop my most perfect ideal pasta salad EVER!


photo courtesy of Heather Christo Cooks

Chocolate Peanut Butter Icebox Cake – I’ve never made an icebox cake, but they sound so easy and perfect for warm weather…no oven required!

Orange Creamsicle Cookies – Quickly becoming my signature cookies! I am looking forward to revisiting this recipe this summer and updating my pictures.

Zucchini Almond Chocolate Bites – My favorite thing to do in the summer is sneak zucchini into everything. These bites are a perfect vehicle!

Coconut Shell Fruit Popsicles – What a cool idea. I might have to do this now that I got a huge amount of coconut oil in my Blend swag bag!


photo courtesy of A Beautiful Mess

Whiskey Lemonade with Honey – Whiskey and lemons is a favorite combo of mine. It’s like a warm weather hot toddy!

Watermelon G&T – It sounds a little labor intensive to make the watermelon syrup…but I have a feeling it’d be worth it.

Iced Green Tea Mojito – What a cool idea. The healthiness of the green tea totally cancels out the alcohol right? AND there’s green stuff in it. It’s healthy!

Raspberry Beer Cocktail – This sounds like a hangover waiting to happen…and a delicious one, at that.

Citrus-Strawberry Green Tea – So you all can’t say I only included alcoholic drinks 🙂 Though this does sound like it’d be great with a splash of vodka!


What is your favorite thing to make in the summer?

What are your plans this weekend?

Getting Back on Track After 2 Long Weekends

To say I’ve had an out of the ordinary couple of weeks/weekends would be an understatement!

Going to Utah for a weekend definitely threw off my mojo, even if we were eating healthy and exercising most of the weekend. I struggled to get back into the swing of things at work last week, and did one workout on Tuesday that put me out of commission for several days.

Fast forward past dodgeball playoffs on Thursday…

Oh hay look, it’s the girls of our team. Aren’t we sassy?

Ahem, moving on… 🙂

Memorial Day weekend was of course full of drinks and I had some great food in San Francisco. I did get in a few walks and bike rides, but I have felt pretty sluggish these past few days at work. So yesterday instead of working I put together a rough food and exercise plan for the week!

Yes…I’m posting my weekly plan on Wednesday. Whatevaaaaa, I do what I want.

I’ve mentioned before that I don’t like meal planning. Weekend food prep is awesome, since it means I have easy ingredients available for any meal I want. But I don’t like sticking to a set meal plan because I tend to like eating what I want when I want it. Giving in to food cravings is the only way to stifle them, friends!

So here’s what I came up with as far as food goes. The important part was planning lunches, because I’m hoping to work out most days at lunch this week, so I need to have something I can prep in the morning or night before.


{as far as breakfast goes…I have enough Muesli Fusion and Hemp Protein Muffins to last me the week!}

Tuesday: Lunch – rice/avocado/turkey sausage. Dinner – some kind of veggie sandwich
Wednesday: Lunch – rice/avocado/veggies/tortilla. Dinner – sprouted whole grain pasta {from the BLEND swag bag, of course} & mom’s meat sauce!
Thursday: Lunch– sausage & pepper sandwich. Dinner– chicken + oven fries + veggies from Farmer’s Market
Friday: Lunch– wing it…aka probably frozen burrito. DinnerConcerts in the Park…aka probably food trucks & beer.

I’m trying to stay away from dairy and alcohol {already botched the alcohol part, since I had to try a few sips of T-Man’s wine last night. Oops!} this week because I noticed dairy was giving me digestive issues last week. And wouldn’t we all be better off drinking less?


So far, so good on Tuesday’s meals! I devoured this veggie sandwich with roasted bell peppers, zucchini and hummus last night. Not pictured is the corn on the cob (!!!) I had on the side. I’m sooo excited for corn season!


One of my new favorite breakfasts: Overnight oats with Muesli Fusion An-Ox, unsweetened plain almond milk, and chia seeds. The An-Ox blend includes goji berries, cacao nibs, dried bluebs, and walnuts. It has so much texture and no added sugar…perfect for this lazy girl who doesn’t want to have to add a bunch of ingredients herself ;-).


Normally, I work out 3 times per week and have dodgeball on Thursdays. This week, we don’t have dodgeball so I’m going to aim for 4 workouts in 4 days, taking care not to overdo it or do the same thing two days in a row.

Tuesday: Easy workout to ease my way back into things- elliptical + abs!
Wednesday: The high temp is only 84 [as opposed to 90 and 97 Thursday and Friday] so I will try for my first run in 2 weeks.
Thursday: Some kind of gym workout! Last week I tried Christina’s Bikini Season Workout and it kicked my butt – I was sore for like 3 days afterward and I only made it 1.5 times through the workout! I want to incorporate more CrossFit-type stuff (burpees, squats, mountain climbers, etc) into my routine because it’s such good cardio AND muscular training.
Friday: Rest if I’m sore, easy elliptical + abs again if I’m not!


Workouts have been extra bright with my pink shoelaces from Becky 🙂

This is the workout I tried last week {minus the kettle bells, since my gym doesn’t have them} that totally kicked my butt…in the best way possible!

And this is how I looked after going through the routine…ONCE. {took me about 10 minutes}


If you can’t tell, that is fear in my eyes of what would happen were I to actually do that workout over and over for 40 minutes. I would prooobably barf. Clearly, given how out of shape I felt while doing this workout, I need to expand my workouts beyond running and elliptical/abs/weight lifting!

I’m actually proud to announce that during my “easy workout” yesterday, I followed up my 25 mins of elliptical intervals by randomly doing a 1 min 30 sec plank! That’s the longest I’ve ever done, and 30 seconds closer to my New Years Resolution of holding a 2 minute plank! Holla.

So on that note, I’m off to go get changed for lunch and my run! It’s only 73 degrees outside now…I don’t think I’ll be getting many runs in in comings weeks, as the high isn’t supposed to dip back below 90 for at least 10 days. Yikes!

Do you plan out your workouts for the week?

How do you get back into the swing of things after a long weekend?

Aaand another question: any recommendations of similar workouts to the one above?

Easter Weekend in Photos + My First 5K!

Quick post! Crazy day at work! Awesome weekend.


Friday night was costume planning night.


And Saturday was the Veggie Run 5K! Would you believe Nicki and I were the only ones (besides those official Veggie Chase veggies) who dressed up? Let’s just say we (and especially Nicki) were super popular. We even made it on Good Day Sacramento (click to see video! We come in at about 1:16):



Right after finishing! We came in at 28:54, which is a 9:15/mile pace – well below my 30 min goal! I actually ran much faster than I normally do…Nicki usually runs faster, but she had a little bit of wind resistance 😉


We finished 70th and 71st out of 251 women…And I was 7th in my age division (19-24)! Not too shabby for a first race!


That night, T-Man and I walked (through pollen) to LowBrau, a new restaurant/beer hall here in Sacramento for a fundraiser to raise money to find out who killed Josiah Humphreys. He was beaten to death on St Patrick’s Day just blocks from where I live.  We bought a raffle ticket, tried their duck fat fries and a couple of new-to-us beers. I can’t wait to go back…really cool spot! At midnight, we sat outside and watched a thunderstorm roll through. T-Man loves him some thunder and lightning!


I can’t WAIT to show you all the recipe I made for Easter brunch. So proud of myself. You’ve been warned: lots of lemon recipes comin’ at ya this week!


After brunch with my parents here, we hurriedly drove to Napa (hence me tying T-Man’s tie for him) for dinner with his dad’s side of the family. It was gloomy and rainy…but the food was great! Afterward, we stopped by his mom’s and she gifted him a quilt she’d been working on for months! So lovely!

It was an awesome weekend, and I was sad to see it go. Here’s my amazing to do list just for today…


Two more items have been added since I made the list. FML.

Do you have any Easter traditions?

What did you eat for Easter brunch/lunch/dinner?