Friday Faves

Hey friends! I survived my week! I am currently writing this post on Thursday night, the first night this week that I didn’t work overtime and/or didn’t have some kind of function to attend after work. PHEW.

My office hosted/coordinated/attended quite a few events this week (ALL of which took place on Wednesday, I might add) so it was a crazy time. And much like I said in my post about staying healthy in times of busy-ness, I have still been keeping up with my workouts…buuuut just not so much with the healthy eating part. Though I can successfully say I haven’t had any cheese and crackers dinners this week! Small victory.

In the little time I’ve had to surf the web over the past few weeks, I’ve accumulated a few fun finds, along with other things I’ve been enjoying IRL, that I wanted to share today. Enjoy! Continue reading

Friday Faves

Happy Friday!

Since the state legislative session wrapped up last week, things have been pretty quiet ’round the Capitol lately. This has left lots of time for Facebook stalking internet browsing! Check out some things I have been loving lately:

1. Surviving Whole Foods

“The first thing I see is the great wall of kombucha — 42 different kinds of rotten tea. Fun fact: the word kombucha is Japanese for ‘I gizzed in your tea.’ Anyone who’s ever swallowed the glob of mucus at the end of the bottle knows exactly what I’m talking about.”

HAHAHA. I actually have only been to Whole Foods twice ever (blasphemy, I know), but everyone will enjoy this article!

2. Dodgeball


Yes, I am still playing. No, no more broken bones….yet. But my team is 4-1 and we are kickin’ ass!

3. Robin Thicke – Blurred Lines

Yup. I went there. Pretty sure I just heard all of you X out of this window too. Since I don’t drive (and thus listen to the radio), I am the only person on the planet who is not only not sick of this song, but still frickin loves it. Totally inapprop lyrics aside, it just makes me wanna dance!

4. Honest Trailers – Breaking Bad

I actually discovered this last month when watching Breaking Bad with my friends, but I love it so much I actually have gone back and watched it a few times haha. It covers up until the first half of Season 5, so ~spoiler alert~ if you’re not caught up! “Juggalo without the paint” is my new favorite way to describe Jesse Pinkman.

Also, here’s a great article dissecting last week’s AMAZINGLY EPIC episode.

5. Karaoke

I am going with friends tonight….and I am so excited. I karaoke’d solo (and with Richard, as seen above) for the first time in May and have been itching to go back ever since!!

6. iOS 7


I decided to download iOS 7 on my iPad before taking the plunge on my iPhone. I like it so far! Very visually appealing.

That’s it for now. I’ve got an eventful weekend ahead of me – my birthday is on Tuesday, so there’s some celebrating in my future! And proooobably some anxiety about hitting the quarter century mark 😦 WAAAHHHHH life.

Do you karaoke? What’s your go-to song?

Have you upgraded to iOS 7?

Friday Faves

Remember my Muesli Protein Bars? They were selected as a finalist in the Muesli Fusion Recipe Contest! Please click here to go to the Facebook Poll and vote for me! All you have to do is click “Muesli Protein Bars — Blonde Ambition Blog”. First place AND runner up get a prize! Today is the LAST DAY to vote!

We made it through another week, y’all! Um, remind me never to try to make “y’all” happen again.

Let’s chalk it up to the fact that I am kind of in a rut. Socially, professionally, in every way possible it seems. There are only two things that I’ve consistently looked forward to these past couple of weeks: the Saturday morning Midtown Farmer’s Market, and my workouts. Food and fitness. Typical.

But otherwise, I am unfortunately in a slump. I feel like this happens every few years for me; I am definitely one to crave change. I chose to go to college in Santa Barbara mainly to get as far away from Sacramento as possible (at the time, the only way to get there was either a 6 hour drive, or via a 2-part flight). Then, because apparently 4 years in one place is too much for me, I spent one year of college dicking around studying abroad.

So you can imagine that now, after three years of living in the same place (with the same job for about half of that time) I’m kind of going stir crazy. Last weekend marked 3 years since graduation, and I’ll be turning 25 in three months. My twenties are almost half over. WTF?

In an effort to combat my case of the grumpies, today I am bringing you some things that I do like. 😉

Midtown Farmer’s Market



As mentioned above, I have been l-o-v-i-n-g the Saturday morning farmer’s market. The big year round Sunday Farmer’s Market is a good 20 blocks away from my apartment, which is kind of a long biking distance. Every week during the summer, there are mini farmer’s markets around my office, but they tend to have fewer vendors. The Midtown Farmer’s Market has live music, tons of vendors, is a whopping 5 blocks away from my apartment AND has free bike valet! I can’t wait to go tomorrow, I spotted tomatoes as I biked past yesterday’s market. I hate most tomatoes, but LOVE fresh cherry tomatoes and sometimes even homegrown regular ones too.

Pre-Planned Workouts

I have been trying to incorporate more strength training into my workouts, and workouts like this are perfect! I did this workout on Wednesday and my triceps are still super sore. I also have an iPad subscription to Women’s Health magazine, which has a lot of 15-minute workouts that I’ve been trying out. I did this body weight workout last week, but was  little leery of doing an L stand without someone to spot me. Also, ab roll ups are like the burpee’s annoying cousin.



I ran my furthest run ever last week, 3.4 miles! I have also been toying with the idea of running a 10K in late August or early September. Somehow, training 4 days per week in the Sacramento heat doesn’t sound desirable (or safe) though. I have upped my “minimum” distance to about 2.75 miles, so I am at least somewhat on track for the training in case I do decide to go for it. The training schedule I found shows 2.5-3 mile runs during the week (eventually increasing to 3-3.5 miles), and long runs on Saturdays.

Really Good Food

chicken & grilled veggies with fresh corn!


spicy pork Banh Mi from Gogi’s Korean BBQ


“semi homemade” cinnamon buns. made from an Auntie Annes kit which included yeast, flour, cinnamon sugar, and premade icing.


meatless monday taco! with summer squash, yellow carrots, bell peppers and black beans. also, SRIRACHA.

I have been eating pretty frickin well lately.

Where do you get your workout ideas?

Change: Love it or hate it?

Friday Faves

Another week gone…thank goodness! I’ve gotta say though, it really does feel like the week flies by when you’re busy at work.

I did a lot better this week about eating healthily (thanks to my Sunday Food Prep, my only meal that wasn’t homemade this week was dinner last night at the dodgeball bar {pizza and beer FTW!}) and I continued my pretty good exercise streak. Last night before dodgeball, my friend Lisa and I did this quick upper-body workout from Women’s Health — perfect for easing my way into pumping iron again. I feel like I have the opposite problem as this guy: muscular legs, noodley arms.

Anyway, here’s what I’m lovin today:

1) This story about the “inventor” of Sriracha

It makes me love sriracha 20x more knowing that the product is made by a guy who really loves what he does.

2) Alexia products


I know I’ve shown pictures of my dinners with fries on the side, but I’ve never explained where those come from…I have Alexia brand fries or potatoes a minimum of 2 nights per week! So so good. I am sad that it’s going to be too hot soon to use my oven, because they’ve really become a staple in my diet, and a key factor in making easy quick weeknight meals!

3) The Kings are (most likely) Staying in Sacramento!


Crappy picture, but after the NBA Relocation Committee recommended to block our team’s move to Seattle, there was a HUGE crowd gathered at a bar/restaurant near my office for the mayor’s press conference. It was a happy day in my Facebook and Twitter feeds! #HereWeStay was trending NATIONALLY! YES! {not to mention it was the same day that Jason Collins became the first active NBA player to publicly come out of the closet. Great day for the NBA if you ask me!}

It’s still up in the air who the team will be sold to, but for now we know that they’re here for at least another season.

4) The Kentucky Derby

Is anyone else really into horse races? It’s totally in my genes: my grandpa on the East Coast started taking us to the races (dogs, horses, you name it) since we were little, and when I started dating T-Man I was delighted to learn that he loves it too! We have gone to Golden Gate Fields (as pictured above) quite a few times over the past couple of years for Dollar Days.

I’m putting together a Derby pool for our gambling-loving friends, and will TOTALLY be living vicariously through my future Blend Roomie, Becky, who is there and has already posted pictures of her first fabulous outfit + hat on Instagram!!!

5) Gradual Tanning lotion WITH SUNSCREEN from Jergens

THIS IS BIG, PEOPLE. Do you understand what a big deal it is for a pale chica like me to have discovered a lotion that safely (artificially) tans you WHILE PROTECTING YOUR SKIN?!


Ready for these pale legs to get some color! Let’s call this my ‘before’ picture 🙂

I’ve always struggled with accepting my fair skin – especially when I attended college at a school right on the beach where everyone’s tan. Even at my tannest (summer after sophomore year) I was pretty pale according to normal standards! I’ve always been pretty good about applying sunscreen though, and after having a cancerous mole removed in January, I’m not taking chances anymore. I’ve used Jergen’s before and I like it…the smell didn’t seem to be as bad with this one at first, but it definitely lingers.

6) Rose gardens!


McKinley Park Rose Garden


Capitol Park Rose Garden

The rose gardens in Sacramento have been pretty epic lately. Last Saturday, T-Man and I had a picnic at McKinley Park and took a few minutes to walk around the epic rose garden there. This morning, I walked to work for the first time since Winter and got a chance to walk through the rose garden at Capitol Park! Loving springtime…even if it already feels like summer 🙂 (94 degrees today!)

Hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Do you like horse races?

How do you maintain your skin’s natural (or in my case, not so natural) glow?

Friday Faves

Happy Friday! Here’s some things I’m lovin’ today. A bit delayed in posting, because of Favorite Thing #1…..

1) Windows 7.


My firm is finally making the switch from Windows XP to Windows 7 (which I learned how to use at my previous job, and currently use on my Office programs at home…),  and I got trained in how to use it all over again this morning. I don’t mind though, because XP is not the business.

2) Convention!


It starts TODAY! So many events going on tonight…See the “Progressive Era Hosted Welcome Party”? A few girls and I have been planning it for the last couple of months. Pretty much right after I finish this post, I am going to get a move on and start buying all the desserts for our ~fancy~ dessert bar!

3) This video: How Animals Eat Their Food

4) On a similar note, this video: Cat-Friend vs. Dog-Friend

Hahahaha. One of my new favorites.

5) My new party dress!

I am not normally the most fashionable lady around, but I’m pretty proud of the outfit I put together for tonight. I finally found a hi-low dress that I love, and scored big time with these $8 wedges I spotted at Goodwill:

Friday Faves

I’ve got some goodies for you today, folks! The internet was killin’ it this week.

1) Running costumes

I’m cruisin’ into my 5K race tomorrow fresh off a dodgeball high from our game last night. I caught not one, but TWO balls thrown by one of the biggest baddest dudes in the league last night and, along with a couple of other players, delivered us our first victory of the new season! Nicki and I are going to Target tonight to figure out our outfits for the Veggie Chase…I am totally loving the ideas on this site, though a lot of them don’t exactly look super conducive to running quickly…

2) 20 Ways Cory And Topanga Gave You Unrealistic Expectations About Relationships



I woke up this morning to this link on Facebook shared by one of my childhood neighbors. So many memories of Friday nights spent watching TGIF together and dreaming about a Cory and Topanga relationship of our own… SIGH. I couldn’t choose between these two screenshots. The first is from the best episode ever (Halloween episode with South Park references galore, anyone?), and the second is just so cute and so unrealistic. “I can never really get mad at you”…really? Really? Never?

3) Braided Lemon Bread by smitten kitchen


Easter is Sunday, and we’re having two meals – I’m making brunch here in Sacramento for us and my parents in the morning, and then we’re driving to Napa for early dinner with T-Man’s family. I’m going to make my dad’s famous Chile Egg Puff and some kind of fruit salad…I’m trying to keep it light, but wanted to make a 3rd dish involving lemons because T-Man brought me a whole bunch from his coworker’s tree. I’m hoping if I make the lemon curd the night before, I’ll have enough time to make this bread on Sunday morning! It just sounds tooooo good.

4) Having only one team left in the tournament…but it being the team that matters!


You guys, my bracket majorly failed this year. I knew I was being pretty risky by choosing a lot of upsets…but the payoff would have been high! See, my pool rewards a LOT more points depending on the rank of the team…the lower their rank, the more points you get if they win. Unfortunately, I picked North Carolina and New Mexico instead of…La Salle and Florida Gulf Coast?! Who could have predicted those upsets? Thankfully I still may be in luck if Michigan State wins! I’m still in it….for now!

5) 4 steps to pairing colors and patterns by nutritionella

I love this easy guide to decorating your home/apartment! My roomie and I haven’t done much in the decorating department, since we accepted a lot of mismatching hand-me-downs from our parents when we moved in. We will either be renewing our lease in a month or finding a new place…I think either outcome will call for some spring cleaning and decorating! Speaking of spring cleaning, I have had some serious clutter anxiety lately. My desk at work, T-Man’s fridge, and our living room were victim to my anxiety-induced organizing/cleaning sprees this week…I’ve never had this urge before, but suddenly I can’t stand clutter! Might as well ride the train while it’s here…I’m sure in a month I’ll be back to preferring what I like to call my organized chaos. 🙂

6) Skinny blueberry lemon poppyseed muffins!


Last weekend, I set out to make a muffin with as close to 100 calories as possible…and I did it! I’ll be posting the recipe for these low cal, super low fat muffins sometime next week 🙂 I’ve enjoyed them for breakfast with my yogurt or oatmeal every morning this week!

Have a great Easter weekend!

What are your plans? Do you do Easter brunch or Easter dinner?

Friday Faves

1. All the TV themed Valentines I came across yesterday (or that were sent to me by my Valentine!)


(first and FAVORITE that I received from T-Man 🙂 )



Galentine's Day card


(re: the 2nd one….best Mad Men episode ever!)

photo 2

photo 1


Seriously! All of my most favorite TV shows. So great.

2) Simple Valentine’s Day gifts


No jewelry or gourmet chocolates needed for me…Just some roses (it is my middle name after all!) and delicious Lofthouse cookies 🙂

hot sauce

I knew what I was getting T-Man for Valentines Day over 1 month ago (here’s Twitter proof)…and thus I continue my reign as Best Gift Giver Ever. (T-Man loves hot sauce, his entire Crisper drawer is filled with different varieties of Cholula, Tapatio, and tons of other obscure names)

bordeaux heart

Aaaand I threw in a giant heart-shaped See’s Bordeaux for good measure.

3) These semi-homemade brownie truffles from Iowa Girl Eats


They were perfect post-game treats for my dodgeball team last night. Plus, they were pink, just like our team shirts 🙂

4) Check out the weather last night at 5:45 PM!!!


Spring is a’comin, people! Not so stoked on the giant temp drop on Tuesday though.

5) Anna Kendrick has been killin’ it on Twitter lately. Seriously, she’s the source of all my mid-day LOLs



images she linked to:

Love her.

And I love all of you! Hope you had a sweet Valentines Day, and enjoy the 3 day weekend (if you have one)!

Friday Faves

Happy Friday! I have been kind of lacking in the recipe category lately, and for that, I apologize. Sucks not getting home until after dark, because the lighting in my apartment is awful for photo taking. Hopefully this weekend I will be able to make a bunch of food to share over the next week or two!

I’ve been experimenting with lentils and chipotle (um, two of my favorite things!) and I also owe you all a spaghetti squash post…aaaaand a hummus post…. I’ve also been testing out recipes for The Beeroness’s upcoming cookbook, but I won’t be able to share those with you all until her book is published this fall 🙂 So instead I’m bringing you some Friday faves!

Fave Dead Guy: MLK

Partially because he’s the reason for the 3-day weekend…but mostly, I guess, cause he changed the world or whatever. 😛

Fave Splurge: lunch with friends!

source: Yelp!


I broke my own rule and ate out twice this week. So worth it.

On Wednesday, my friend Kar’lei and I went to Ma Jong’s, which is right next door to my building. Usually, I order whatever is spiciest and I always think it’s just so-so…This time, I ordered Honey Ginger Chicken and it was SO good! They serve huge portions so I couldn’t finish the whole thing (and didn’t want to feel like I needed a nap the rest of the day :-P), but I brought home my leftovers for T-Man to devour.

Ma Jong's Asian Diner on Urbanspoon

Yesterday, my friend Mikhail got me to go to his favorite lunch spot, Crest Cafe, with him. He took advantage of their $9.99 lunch buffet, while I went with a fattoush salad with chicken. I knew that the cafe existed (it’s right next door to Crest Theater, one of the oldest theaters in Sacramento), but I had no idea they had awesome fresh mediterranean/middle eastern food! I looove fattoush salad, I kind of wish they’d had the traditional pita chips instead of pita bread on the side, but I promptly finished my salad anyway!
Crest Cafe on Urbanspoon

Fave Productivity Booster: Organizing my desk


I’ve been so busy lately that my desk had already gone to s**t by Wednesday. It didn’t stay clean for long, but I did get a lot done that day! It reminds me of in high school and college when I wouldn’t start working on a paper until my room was clean. It’s part procrastination, part OCD 🙂

Fave Politically Incorrect Crossword Puzzle Answer: “sista”

When I was filling out 48-down, I couldn’t help but feel like Stan’s dad in South Park – when he’s playing Wheel of Fortune, the clue is “people who annoy you”, and he has the letters “N_GGERS”. I was like “What? Really? I’m really about to write ‘sista’ right now??”

Fave Uncommon Beer Pairing: Beer and Kettle Chips!

I spotted this pairing list on Twitter and can’t get enough. I love love love Kettle Chips, and beer pairings…but I’ve never thought to put the two together! I think the Salt & Pepper with an American Pale Ale is what I’d want to try most 🙂 The Spicy Thai and Saison sounds interesting too, though….hmmmm!!

Fave new top: PEPLUM!


Here I was thinking I couldn’t pull off peplum. Found this super simple and cute top at Express – I usually don’t buy stuff full price there, but it was too cheap to say no 🙂 Now I’m stuck waiting until the weather is a little warmer so I can wear it! (Also, please ignore the blurry iPhone photo/atrocious state of my room. That’s one mess I haven’t had the courage to tackle since before Christmas!)

Any fun plans for the three-day weekend? The weather should be nice here (in the low 60’s), so I’m hoping to go for a run and maybe even a bike ride at some point!

P.s. We won our first dodgeball game last night! And all my bones are in tact 🙂


Friday Things + Beautiful Blogger Award

Happy Friday! Before I get down to business about this Blogger Award, I’ve got some Friday things to share. Usually when I run out of things to blog about during the week, I link up a bunch of cool stuff and call it “Friday Faves”, but today’s list is a pretty mixed bag – it’s got both the good and the bad. So without further ado…

1) I have one more tale to end the blanket-of-leaves saga! After I posted about us getting slighted by whoever does the sidewalk cleaning ’round here on Wednesday, we got a bit more rainy and windy weather. But to my surprise, I awoke to this on Thursday morning:


The sidewalk is cleared! Whether it was the City of Sacramento that did it, or the guy who lives downstairs, I guess we’ll never know. But entering and exiting my apartment is slightly less hazardous now! Hooray!

2) As I mentioned on Wednesday I’ve got some tests comin’ up on Monday. Well, in order to make my prep easier, I’m on a insoluble-fiber-free diet. This is pretty much the opposite of what I usually try to include in my diet! I am all about whole grains and veggies. UGH!


Obviously cheese isn’t a source of fiber, but for some reason the instructions my doctor gave me said not to eat it 😦 So I’ve been sticking to bland foods –> Yogurt, pureed butternut squash soup, white bread, etc. Last night I made chicken with cream of mushroom soup over rice, which is a meal we begged my mom to make for us all the time as kids…serious comfort food right there!

3) Cloudy/rainy days —> Seriously cool sunsets!

photo 2

4) I was nominated for the Beautiful Blogger Award! Actually, I was nominated for two awards. Carly nominated me for the BB Award and Emily sent me a nod for the Liebster Award. Because the Beautiful Blogger award requires a little less work, I am choosing to pass it along to 7 other bloggers…but I am still going to answer 7 of the questions Emily chose as part of her Liebster Award questionnaire!

First things first, a huge thank you to Carly for thinking of me. The day that she nominated me was the day I drafted my kinda bummy blog post…getting this nomination was a huge mood booster! Carly was one of the first bloggers I started following when I was trying to find fellow bloggers close to my age with similar interests. Carly’s blog Snack Therapy has continued to be one of my favorites – she’s got a great blog voice and adds so much humor to everything she writes! So thank you again Carly, and on we go:


Beautiful Blogger Award Rules:

The idea behind the Beautiful Blogger Award is to recognize some of the bloggers we follow for their hard work and inspiration.

1. Copy the Beautiful Blogger Award logo and place it in your post.
2. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
3. Tell 7 things about yourself.
4. Nominate 7 other bloggers for their own Beautiful Blogger Award, and comment on their blogs to let them know.

7 things about myself

1. I was born in San Francisco, and until earlier this year, I had a brick with my name and birthday on the SF side of the Golden Gate Bridge. Apparently it’s gone now 😦 Womp womp. Must find new way to keep my name immortal!

2. I have never dyed my hair (except with red food coloring in middle school for Crazy Hair Day) and I have donated two ponytails to Locks of Love. Kinda funny to think that two kids are walking around with my naturally blonde hair on their heads!

3. I have visited 16 countries: US, Mexico, France, Ireland, Scotland, England, Spain, Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Belgium, Monaco (technically a principality) and Italy. The question is: where should I go next?!

4. In middle school, I developed acid reflux because my self-chosen lunches consisted of pepperoni pizza, Hot Cheetos, and Pepsi. I would say that I’m angry at my former self for starting me down a path of gastrointestinal issues, but hey man. Former self only weighed like 110 pounds, she could do whatever she wanted! I would’ve done the same thing! (Wait……. I did.)

5. I’m named after my two grandfathers’ mothers: Katherine for my mom’s Italian grandmother, and Rose for my dad’s grandmother Rose, who was known for her beautiful singing voice.

6. I love trivia. Jeopardy, crossword puzzles, pub trivia, you name it.

7. My drinks of choice are red wine, whiskey gin and/or ginger-based cocktails, and IPAs! But if you’d asked me 2 years ago, the answer would have been white wine, vodka, and lagers, so who knows how long this will last 🙂

7 Questions from Emily at “Have Your Cake And…”!  {from the Liebster Award – Thanks Emily!}

1) Would you rather spend your money on food or clothes? I would totally rather spend it on clothes, but it never turns out that way! Most of my money goes to groceries, drinks, & the occasional restaurant meal!

2) What’s your favorite holiday cookie? I pretty much love ANYTHING with peppermint and chocolate together. And I love making and decorating sugar cookies!

3) When you’re angry or upset, how do you calm yourself down? Taking a shower, if possible. Haha. The steam is relaxing, it’s good quality alone time, and is a perfect place to think. I ALWAYS feel better after a shower!

4) How many alarms do you set to wake up? Just one. I always snooze at least once, and sometimes twice.

5) Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate all the way, no question.

6) Do you prefer flying or driving? Usually flying, actually. I don’t like the actual act of flying, but for some reason I love airports!

7) How many cups of coffee/tea do you drink in a day? I drink 1 cup of tea, but I refill it

Now it is my turn to nominate some fellow bloggers for the Beautiful Blogger Award.

1. Emily at Have Your Cake And…  I was totally already going to nominate her for this before she had nominated me for the Liebster! I love Emily’s food philosophy and Food Bucket List… I need to make one of my own!
2. Olivia at Beautiful photos, beautiful writing, AND a beautiful girl! Olivia has it all.
3. Alisha at Alisha’s Appetite I’ve only been following her blog for a short time but it’s quickly becoming a fave! Everything Alisha makes looks delicious, and we share a love of hot sauce/sriracha!
4. Theresa at A Spoonful of Sunshine Carly also nominated Theresa and it is totally fitting. Theresa finds the coolest products and recipes, but if we’re being honest here I mostly stalk her blog for glimpses of life at my alma mater, UCSB, where she goes to school! 🙂
5. Megan at Braise the Roof Megan is one of my favorite bloggers. She’s a fellow francophile, has a healthy appetite, and was Honey Bee Bee for Halloween. I mean COME ON.
6. Adrienne at Cultured Chaos I’ve thrown Adrienne a shout out before, and I’ll do it again. We studied together in France and, as a result, share a love of French cuisine. She also contributes to!
7. Kaitlin at California Endless Summer Kaitlin is another college student I stalk when I want to remember the glory days 🙂 She is truly adventurous in the kitchen AND otherwise – she recently ran a half marathon!

Have a great weekend! Wish me luck!

Friday Faves

With the shocking news my family got just over a week ago, I thought it fitting to focus on some positive things this morning. Here’s what has been keeping me happy this past week!

1) Space Jump!!

Did any of you guys watch this? I didn’t know about it until the day before when my brother (the one sitting on the floor watching in awe) told me about it. We streamed it on YouTube for the last 30 minutes of our drive home from the Bay Area and made it back just in time to see him jump! That dude broke so many records!

2) This sink.

After a couple of the BEST.G&Ts.EVER at happy hour, it was totally the coolest thing ever. Cool enough to take a picture with, even. Obviously.

3) Lacey’s Cookies

I went to my grandparents’ house a couple of times last week and my grandma seemed to have a never-ending supply of these puppies in her kitchen. They are LIKE CRACK. Go to Costco right now and buy them. Your soul will thank you, your thighs will not.

4) The SF Giants!! ….or not.


My family (and a lot of my friends) is all pulling for the Giants, buuuuut with 2 straight losses, it’s not looking great. Still lots of fun to watch!

5) Hot Fudge Sundae Pop-tarts

Would you believe me if I told you that I had to get them cause they were the healthiest that CVS had? (They had the smallest amount of fat, and 3 whole grams of fiber?! What!?)

Also, I’d like to point out that I went to CVS to buy Drano…So when I went to the register, Drano and Pop Tarts in hand, and said, “Oh ya know, Drano and Pop Tarts….the essentials….” I felt pretty hilarious when the cashier gave me a sympathy chuckle.

6) Pumpkin errythang.

So far, I’ve roasted three pumpkins and made 2 loaves of pumpkin bread, a dozen pumpkin muffins, pumpkin curry, and a tray of roasted pumpkin seeds. Oh and drank at least 3 of my parents’ pumpkin beers. I guess I like pumpkin now…

7) This crew neck “I” made for my Papa

So I should totally wear it to his memorial, right? Sweater dress chic? No?

8) This friggin ginormous veggie sandwich I had for lunch yesterday!!!!

From top: mashed avocado, sprouts, red onion, more sprouts, roasted red pepper, artichoke hearts, pepperoncini, cucumber, feta & kalamata olives! All on wheat walnut bread.


Have a great weekend everyone! I’ve got a YMCA auction and a Haunted Corn Maze on my agenda. I’m not gonna lie…..I’m nervous about the corn maze. Wish me luck!!