Friday Faves

Hey friends! I survived my week! I am currently writing this post on Thursday night, the first night this week that I didn’t work overtime and/or didn’t have some kind of function to attend after work. PHEW.

My office hosted/coordinated/attended quite a few events this week (ALL of which took place on Wednesday, I might add) so it was a crazy time. And much like I said in my post about staying healthy in times of busy-ness, I have still been keeping up with my workouts…buuuut just not so much with the healthy eating part. Though I can successfully say I haven’t had any cheese and crackers dinners this week! Small victory.

In the little time I’ve had to surf the web over the past few weeks, I’ve accumulated a few fun finds, along with other things I’ve been enjoying IRL, that I wanted to share today. Enjoy!

favorite tank top


Pretty sure this was made for me. I tweeted it to Becky and she suggested we buy them for Blend. I think yes?!?!?

favorite midnight snack


I might not have indulged in cheese and crackers this week…but I did eat spoonfuls of this instead. It’s peanut butter infused with coconut oil. OH. MY. GODDDDD.

favorite hair cut/color


I’m long overdue for a haircut – I usually only go 6-8 weeks, but decided I wanted to grow my hair out a tad past my shoulders, so I’ve delayed almost 4 months this time (lol). My hair is a bit longer than this right now, I’m thinking about maybe getting highlights/lowlights?! I’d definitely go lighter than this pic. I’ve never ever dyed my hair, and as much as I like change, the thought of spending money and having to keep it up gives me anxiety…

favorite freebie


After only a couple of outfits purchased, I had enough credits to get myself a FREE outfit from Fabletics! It might be my favorite one yet, everything is really cute, comfortable, and flattering! It also came with a sports bra (the seams look kind of weird, but that may be a #flatchest problem) which you can’t see in the pic 😛

favorite splurge


On the flip side, Kate Spade was having a surprise sale yesterday and I splurged on these earrings and bracelet. Much more expensive than I’d usually pay, but I meannnn, they WERE over 50% off. While I definitely own my fair share of $2 Forever 21 rings that turn your finger green after like 3 wears, I think it’s worth it to have a few quality pieces that will last you a long time.

favorite way to sweat

crazy abs

I’m actually kinda sad to report I’ve only run once this week, and it was only 2 miles (I wanted to get a run in before my crazy Weds, but also had to be there before 7:30am, so a longer run was out of the question!)… I did, however, go to the gym on Monday, Tabata Bootcamp on Tuesday, and went yesterday after work to do my favorite elliptical + abs #sororitygirlworkout.

I have doing a lot more strength training, and I can already tell I’m making progress both in how I look (esp my arms), and how many reps I can get through on this INSAAAANE ab machine! That being said, I did run this morning and will of course do my normal long run either tomorrow or Sunday 😉 Old habits die hard! I’m glad I’m getting my moneys worth out of my new gym membership though.


That’s it for me! I’m looking forward to a long 3-day weekend during which I have NOTHING planned. I purposely did it that way so I could wind down and relax after the craziness of the week. Have a great weekend!

Any cool finds lately?

What are your plans for Memorial Day weekend?


8 thoughts on “Friday Faves

  1. I loooooooove that hair color/style/cut! Seriously, adorbs. And omg I have been wanting to try that nut butter brand- the coconut sounds incredible added in. Glad you’re enjoying your job even throughout all of the craziness!

  2. olivesanwine says:

    I was just thinking about getting a trim. I rarely cut my hair – it’s even since December, but am feeling the need for a change. I love that haircut and it would look so cute on you! Also love that tank and the Kate Spade jewelry… I’m such a good influence 😉 I hope you’re doing okay. I’m thinking of you after seeing the news. xo

  3. I really need to try that peanut / coconut spread – two of my favorite things so I’m sure it’d be amazing when combined 🙂 also that picture just reinforced my decision to stick with my natural darker blonde hair instead of going back to light blonde. my hair is so much happier natural and I love that dark blonde is the trend now. That cut is super cute too (it just wouldn’t fly on my big head haha)

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