Weekend in Photos

Yes, another Weekend in Photos post… it seems like forever since I’ve posted a Meatless Monday recipe! A full THREE months (my last was these Red Pepper & Chickpea Veggie Burgers)…sorry guys. I actually have photos and a recipe for an easy weekend breakfast hash that I’ve been meaning to share, but I forgot to upload the pictures from my home computer last night so you’ll have to wait till next week! I’ve got an even better recipe later this week that will surely tide you over ’till then, which leads me to my first picture of the weekend…


I came home from work on Friday with a can of garbanzo beans and one goal: to recreate the avocado-cilantro hummus I bought at the Farmer’s Market a couple weekends back. I’m happy to report it was a smashing success! I almost finished the entire batch by Saturday evening…. 🙂


On Friday night, I had plans to check out a new spot with my friend Shannon, whose cousin from Spain was visiting. We went to Vanguard, which is actually located on the ground floor of the building where I work! It felt kinda weird to be sitting outside enjoying a drink within eye-shot of the lobby I sleepily walk through every day at 8:30am and 5:30pm. But it was a gorgeous venue, super classy and pretty chill since it was more of a lounge than a club.


As I told you all on Friday, all I wanted to do on Saturday morning was go for a nice long run and hit up the Farmer’s Market. My mom called and made plans for early in the afternoon, so I decided to combine the two- what was going to be a 3 mile run followed by a ride to the Farmer’s Market ended up as a 3.25 mile run ending AT the market. Once there, I finally went for it and tried the Kombucha Truck! I had Synergy Gingerade, which was awesome since I love ginger. Would it be weird to put kombucha in my Whiskey Gingers from now on? Is that kind of defeating the purpose of kombucha being healthy?? Haha.

I also picked up summer squash (every week I get assorted summer squash from the same stand – next week they said they might have cherry tomatoes WAHOO!), a purple cauliflower, and some shiitake mushrooms!


We have a family wedding in New York in August, and my mom and I had been procrastinating our dress shopping. East Coast weddings require something a bit more formal than my go-to ‘California Casual’ wedding outfits. We left for the mall at 12:30pm and didn’t leave until nearly 5 PM!!! Oh, except around 3:30 we drove to ANOTHER mall. It was an intense day, people. I found a dress I liked right off the bat (see that little red number above), but red doesn’t do much for my complexion and hair color.

My mom found a nice navy blue number that she loved (and was comfortable in! SUPER important for what’s sure to be a hot and humid wedding), and I kept looking. I came home empty handed, but looked on the Macy’s website and found the dress I loved in yellow. It’s hard to judge from a picture, but I’m gonna give it a shot and see how it looks! Yellow has worked on me before (see this picture from my About Me)…I may require input from you all, so stay tuned 🙂

That night, we went to Napa to spend some time with T-Man’s mom before she moves…she’s moving to DENVER this week! It will be strange not having her an hour away anymore. She has treated us to some amazing dinners and wine tastings during our visits over the last couple of years. Sad! But excited for her to start a new chapter of her life.


After saying goodbye, we joined T-Man’s dad, step mom, step siblings, and a few friends for a fantastic meal for his step brother’s 30th birthday. Since the last time I visited, they had built an addition to their dining room that is amaazing. It’s a sun room, complete with a full dining table, kitty apartment, and lush plants. The meal involved some Filipino favorites and two “semi homemade” Angels Food cakes 🙂

We got home in time to catch the Mad Men season finale right as it was airing on the West Coast (though it was DVR’ed earlier so we still got to fly through the commercials!)…very interesting episode. Such a strange season of Mad Men this was. It felt so cerebral…After each episode I just needed to sit and think and analyze!

That’s it for now! Didn’t take too many pictures this weekend so unfortunately for you guys, if you follow me on Instagram you likely saw most of these. Either way, it was a good weekend. It’s raining outside right now, but next weekend is expected to be in the triple digits. It’s a real mixed bag over here!

What did you do this weekend?

Are you a Mad Men fan?

8 thoughts on “Weekend in Photos

  1. I love that dress! I can’t wait to see it on ya!! Omg and those angel cakes. I just want to crawl into the hole and eat my way out. Side note, have you ever seen My Big Fat Greek Wedding? Whenever I see bundt cakes I think of the mom trying to figure out what the hell to do with the hole in the middle.

  2. Love your weekend posts! And I ESPECIALLY can’t wait for that avocado cilantro hummus recipe! I’ve been lazy lately and have been buying hummus from the store, but some inspiration is just what I need to make my own again!

    • You’ll love this one! The avocado makes it really easy to make a smooth and creamy hummus, instead of the weird grainy texture that you often get with homemade stuff. Unfortunately the avocado also makes it turn brown after a few days as I just learned, haha.

  3. I’m looking for a dress for a wedding too.. with no luck. The department stores here are awful, and the boutiques are just too expensive for me. Looks like it was (another) fun weekend for you!

  4. cookingfortheotherhalf says:

    It looks like such a fun weekend! I looooove that yellow dress — it will look great on you!

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